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Text us now

Shout: the UK's free, confidential and 24/7 mental health text service for crisis support


  • 24/7

    You can text us any time, day or night.

  • Confidential

    Your messages with us are confidential and anonymous.

  • Free

    It is free to text Shout from all major mobile networks in the UK.

Men's Health Week

Talking about men’s mental health: conversation tips

If you're worried about someone in your life, starting a conversation about how they're feeling and what they're going through can be the first step to them feeling better. Starting that conversation isn't always easy, so we asked our Head of Research Psychology for some advice.

Find out more
Get Involved

Skydive for Shout

Feel the full force of flying by taking on a 125mph tandem skydive for Shout. You'll jump from 10,000ft, strapped to a fully qualified instructor who does all the work, leaving you to enjoy the view.

The money you raise will ensure we're here for everyone who needs us, 24/7.

Find out more
skydive 5

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I think Shout saved my life tonight... no one has ever made me feel so safe, listened to and understood

Shout texter

Online resources and support

However you're feeling right now, you don't have to face it alone. We're here to support you with your mental health.

These tips and resources and tips are here to help if you're feeling anxious, low, stressed or overwhelmed.

Find out more
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